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Border Protection

The Work Never Stops

Securing national borders from contraband, terrorists, and other threats is vital to prosperity and stability. But thousands of miles must be defended, many in remote areas without easy access. Interdicting unlawful entry, while supporting legal trade and travel, is like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack.

Protecting our borders from the illegal movement of weapons, drugs, and people is essential to homeland security, economic prosperity, and national sovereignty.

Border surveillance systems provide a vital force multiplier to the men and women who have sworn to protect their fellow citizens and uphold the law.

Border Wall
Lycan Counter-UAS

Adaptable to the Task at Hand

Different border conditions require different detection techniques: Line-of-sight sensors may have blind spots in hilly terrain. Ground sensors may pick up seismic “noise” from nearby roads or inhabited areas.

IEC’s unique, modular platform provides two benefits. First, each installation can be quickly tailored to individual requirements. IEC’s expertise includes configuring sensors, wavelengths and ranges to local weather and terrain. Second, third-party sensors from virtually any supplier are readily integrated with all other sensor inputs into a Common Operating Picture.

As a result, field swapping of shorter-range with longer-range visual and thermal cameras takes less than a minute. EO/IR surveillance systems can be upgraded in multiple ways: the counter-drone capabilities of IEC’s Lycan system, the ground radar detection of IEC’s Raptor system, the intruder deterrent capabilities of IEC’s Banshee system, slew-to-cue from underground vibration sensors, and more.

IEC product reliability has been proven under some of the most challenging field conditions in the world. The advanced features and capabilities can be expected to give years of uninterrupted service.

WereWolf Mounted on Tower
WereWolf Mounted on Tower

Wide-Area Situational Awareness

IEC systems are networkable by design. One operator can manage and monitor multiple systems within his or her sector. Rather than staring for hours on end at multiple screens, operators are alerted to objects of interest by built-in, programmable alarms.